Injuries, my normal and purpose

After just getting into the swing of running consistently, I injured my calf. Long story short, I thought I had my style sorted but didn’t. Isn’t the body a marvellous instrument, with its own alarm system when things aren’t right, in my case: PAIN. So I stopped for a month or so and took things easy. The summer in New Zealand was fantastic anyway, we did loads of easy walks, jumping off the wharf in our lovely town of Wanaka into the cool and clear lake. Life really is bliss when I stop and listen or just be. I feel incredibly grateful to be able to spend time with my 11 year old son, go to school camp for a week and manage to survive ok due to low living costs.

We decided to do finish the inside of the tiny house after living in it for 3 years in an unfinished state, unpainted plywood, big cracks, second hand rugs on the unfinished floor. Now I think of what my Normal looks like. It feels normal to me to try and do a little bit of sanding and filling cracks at a time while life keeps on going with work, school, volunteering and socialising. Living out of a suitcase also feels normal to me. I fast forward and imaging what the finished house will feel like, in about 2 or 3 months. It feels good and makes the tasks less daunting.

Discussing with a friend the purpose of life, especially when there’s a health scare and the question hovers: is that all I can contribute to the world? I’m careful trying to not confuse pressures from the outside, like what success looks like and what achievements one can pile up or money that’s to be made. Rather the quiet knowledge that life is there to be lived, one breath and one heartbeat at a time.

The meaning and purpose of dancing is the dance – Allan Watts

Published by Anja O'Connor

Small business & system sympathiser, healthy business advocate.

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